Single parents are often overlooked during the holidays, keeping the focus on making Christmas special for their children and not having gifts from a partner on Christmas morning. This Christmas, Vault wants to acknowledge SINGLE FOSTER PARENTS who have stepped into the foster care world all alone. The holidays can be isolating for anyone, but when you are walking out this very hard calling on your own, it can be extremely lonely and discouraging. 

Let’s make sure that these individuals, who have chosen to dive into this world of foster care without a partner, don’t wake up to an empty stocking on Christmas morning. This small gesture will go a long way!
We are asking groups to host a collection. We will provide the stockings, and you will ask individuals in your groups to take them home and fill them for a single foster parent ($40 value). The tags on the stockings will indicate if it’s for a male or female and there will be a list of suggestions inside the stocking. Individuals will return the stockings to your collection site and we will coordinate getting them to Vault. We will need everything in hand at Vault by November 20th! (before Thanksgiving)

If you are interested in hopping on board with us to make this happen, contact us here.